Tuesday, October 12, 2010

House vs Condo...what do we do!?!?!?!

First off...I want to say sorry to my (maybe) 4 followers...I put my blog off because of work and trying to spend any extra time with my husband who has a really busy schedule these next couple of months.

Well we have a BIG announcement! Wait for it.....wait for it....we did it...we saved enough money to buy our first home!! We are really proud of ourselves! I never in a million years expected to see that number in my bank account...but with a little bit of sacrifice and hard work (and a lot of praying!) we manage to save the money. Now with all this exciting news...we are facing a big dilemma...HUGE! Do we buy a house or a condo?

A few months ago I would have said "DUH!!! Buy a house...you want a house...that's all you ever wanted!!" And it is...I want a 4 bedroom...3 bath...home in Eastside Costa Mesa. Well that costs about 750,000-950,000...HAHAHA... um ya...didn't manage to save that much money. So we (my husband and I) have been going back and forth on the idea of a condo..here are some pros and cons we made

Home Pros
Its what we've wanted
No HOA's (most likely)
A backyard for our dog and future kids
Finally get the garden I want

Home Cons
Higher Monthly Payment
In a city where we don't really want to live
I would have to work full time
More home maintenance
Less time spent with my husband

Condo Pros
Low monthly payment
Can save more money each month
I wouldn't have to work (ugh ugh soooo tempting!!)
In a city we want to live
Rental potential for the future

Condo Cons
Less space
Smaller outdoor area
Can't paint/re-do the outside
No garden

We don't know what to do! The stress is starting..any advice is always appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. So what did you decide to get?

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